Ezra Parzival - The Warrior Scholar

Hello there! The names Ezra Parzival and I currently reside within the realm of Eorzea, and its many reflections. I am a traveler and collector of wares, when not attempting to save the realm for the umpteenth time.I have also been known to make rounds of the realm as a wandering minstrel, playing music for the masses.If I am not actually running around the realm, your likely to find me at the home base of the Free Company I spend time with, The Eorzean Archives <TEA>, who stations itself within "Crystal" reflection (DC) of Coeurl (World), within the city of Limsa Lominsa. We have a place in their residential district, The Mist within Ward 14, Plot 41.Of course, I also maintain a personal residence in the Goblet residential district of Ul'dah, in Ward 3, Plot 50. Feel free to drop by and leave a message in the message book if you stop by!I also have a small apartment over in the Mist's 2nd Ward which I turned into a small community library. Tis apartment #6 at the Topmast.
NOTES —IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!Ezra is open to all RP, including possible ERP/NSFW RP. Do note, that ERP/NSFW RP will ONLY be considered with other parties, upon OOC discussion with those involved.
Comfort level of all parties, as well as having been RP'ing for at least a set time period will be part of this requirement, with possible exceptions to those who are in game friends, and fellow FC members whom Ezra has spent time with.
Mind you, simple 'romantic' overtures such at simple kissing, hand holding, hugging, general cuddling would be fine/acceptable within a general RP, though moving forward to more 'naughty' things would require discussion before moving forward
Ezra Parzival - The Vitals
Ezra Parzival (Eorzean Basic/Common Name)
-Pronounced: Ehz-rah Par-ze-vahlAzah'a Paz'vahal (Given/Tribal Name)
-Pronounced: Ah-zaa-ah Pahz-vah-hal
-If he deems you worthy to tell you this name, or to allow you call him by this in private, then you count yourself among the very blessed few to have been given this honor.
To him, to have earned the level of trust from him to call him by his tribal name is considered sacred to him, and to have earned that level of trust is seen as very special. He has shared this name with a select few of his companions, and that includes only certain members of the Scions and Students of Baldesion. Of those, Y'stola and G'raha are two of them.Alias': Ez, Ezzie, The Warrior Bard (Performance Stage Name); Aza (ONLY if been given permission or granted honor of knowing his tribal name)Age: Around 28Nameday: 31st Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (October 31st)Race: Miqo'teTribe: Keeper of the MoonHeight: 5'7" (approx. 173.7cm)Weight: 150lbs (approx. 68kg or roughly 10.8 stone)Hair Color: White/Silver (When Younger/Natural Color); Purple/Lilac with various highlights tends to be his favorite when coloring.
-- With his upcoming trip to the New World (Tural), he decided to go back to his natural color with highlights. [Dawntrail Update]Eye Color: VioletSkin Tone: A Moonlit GrayOccupation: Adventurer/Sell Sword For Hire (Primary); Wandering Minstrel; Scholar; Omnicrafter/Gatherer - Culinarian SpecialtyPrimary Weapon of Choice: Battle Axe (Warrior)Secondary Weapon of Choice: Longbow (Bard/Archer)-While his two main weapons of choice are an axe and bow, he has taken time to become proficient enough in multiple disciplines over the years as an adventurer and sell-sword.Patron Deities:
Menphina - Tribal ConnectionNald'thal - Honors out of respect in relation to his decision to make his home in U'ldah, to whom the people consider their patron.He has also been known to pay respects to Halone, Thaliak, Azeyma & Althyk at various points of his life.
To be frank though, Ezra has found himself having a deep connection to most of the Twelve on some level and because of it, tries to take time to honor each in his own unique ways, albeit, Menphina he has said has probably the strongest connection to him, likely as since she was the Goddess he came to know from the earliest of age that he can remember, from his time as a child in the tribe from which he came from.Alliances/Associations/Affliations:
The Eorzean Archives (FC), Maelstrom - 1st Storm Lieutenant, Scions of the Seventh Dawn ['Disbanded'], Students of Baldesion
RP Relevant Notes
Orientation: Pansexual
Role: Primarily Dom, but may go switch depending on partner
--Other more special info like kinks and RP things for NSFW RP can be found under the F-List Link
Vocal Tone:
Ezra's voice in my mind comes off as a interesting blend between the rich, warm, and resonant tones of Josh Groban and the deep and resonant tones of Hozier. His voice particularly when singing has a soothing melodic quality, with soulful and earthy undertones capable of conveying deep emotions with clarity and ease, while also being powerful and soothing. Ezra's voice defiantly has a subtle Irish or even Scottish inspired undertone to it, or what would be the closet equivalent in Eorzea.When he sings during his bardic performances you can hear his voice shine -
Vocal Range
Tenor to Baritone: Ezra’s vocal range spans from tenor to baritone, giving his voice a rich and warm
quality. He can hit higher notes with clarity and ease, while his lower register adds depth and gravitas to his melodies.
Tone and Quality
Ethereal and Melodic -- Ezra’s voice has an ethereal quality. It is melodic and soothing, capable of evoking deep emotions and a sense of tranquility.
Soft Yet Resonant -- While his voice is generally soft and gentle, it carries a resonant power that can fill a space without being overwhelming. This resonance is particularly noticeable when he sings songs that resonate with aetheric energy.
Versatile Range -- Ezra’s voice can shift from a tender, almost whisper-like tone to a more powerful and
commanding presence when needed. This versatility allows him to convey a wide range of emotions
through his singing.
Overall Impressions of His Singing
Enchanting and Calming --Listeners often describe Ezra’s singing as enchanting and calming. His voice has a way of drawing people in, creating a sense of peace and connection to the natural world.
Aetheric Influence -- Sometime when Ezra sings, the aether around him subtly reacts, enhancing the ethereal quality of his voice. This occasional interaction with the aether sometimes adds a mystical element to his performances, making them even more captivating.
Ezra’s Story
Early Life:
Born as Azah’a Paz’vahal, Ezra Parzival grew up in a secluded, and not often seen Seeker of the Moon Miqo’te tribe nestled deep within the forests of the Black Shroud. His tribe tended to keep to the shadows and were good and staying hidden when they wanted to not be seen.
From a young age, Ezra exhibited a keen intellect and an insatiable curiosity about the world beyond his tribe’s borders. His silver hair, often dyed shades of purple with highlighted tips, and his moonlit grey skin made him a striking figure among his peers. His hair was a testament to his lineage, would often shimmer with shades of purple, reflecting his vibrant spirit. His spiky mane, a crown of defiance against the conformity of his tribe, as well as his fiery personality. His violet eyes, filled with wonder and determination, often gazed at the night sky, dreaming of the adventures that awaited him. They seemed to mirror the vastness of the night sky, marking him as distinct, even among his tribe.
The stars above were not just lights in the sky to him, but beacons of stories untold, of magic unexplored. To him, they whispered of stories and wisdom of the realm and the stars themselves.Ezra’s childhood was filled with rigorous training in both combat and scholarship. His father, a renowned warrior, taught him the art of wielding a battle-axe as well as a bow, while his mother, a respected scholar, instilled in him a love for knowledge and learning. Because of this, he found himself becoming well-rounded as a person, valuing both strength and knowledge of combat to protect himself and others. He also learned to value the wisdom of the secrets that knowledge could provide, understanding that knowledge could be found in everything around them, not just dusty scrolls and tomes. This balance of martial and scholarly prowess would come to serve him well later as he left home to explore the world as a seasoned adventurer and scholar. He also developed a love for music, and enjoyed playing and singing when he could, or writing compositions in a well loved and worn journal he always carried with him.
The tribal elder, recognizing Ezra’s potential, gifted him a cherished flute, which became a symbol of his connection to his roots and his love for music. The flute was given to him on his fourteenth nameday. It would become one of his most precious possessions, and he still carries it to this day.Journey to Adulthood:
As Ezra grew older, his desire to explore the wider world intensified. He spent countless nights under the stars, composing melodies on his flute that reflected his dreams and aspirations. These compositions, filled with the essence of the forest and the mysteries of the night, became well-known within his tribe. He would also continue to study studiously both scholarly and martial pursuits. He continued to write in his journals, one for compositions, and another of his daily life and travels or of other things, such as the sometimes strange and fascinating things he would learn from observing around him or the things he felt during his walks or searching the stars, listening to the whispers he felt when he allowed himself to connect to the realms aether or to meditate to the stars light.
On his nineteenth nameday, Ezra made the difficult decision to leave his tribe and embark on a journey of discovery. His departure was bittersweet, as he left behind his family and friends, but he carried with him their hopes and blessings. It was here he would begin his journey to become a adventurer of renown, that would be spoken of around the realm. These stories would of course whisper there way back to his tribe, either through tribe mates whom overheard things spoken within the forests by those wandering its depths or from tales on the few occasions Ezra returned to visit in between his travels.
The Story Behind His Sacred Flute
Ezra’s beloved flute, given to him on his fourteenth nameday by the tribal elders, is a masterpiece of craftsmanship and magic, reflecting the deep connection between his Miqo’te tribe and the natural world of the Twelveswood. The flute is slender and elegant, about 18 inches in length, with a smooth, polished surface that glows faintly in the moonlight.Materials and Craftsmanship
Wood:The body of the flute is crafted from the heartwood of an ancient tree, possibly one of the oldest trees in the Twelveswood, known for its strength and resonance. This wood was freely given to the elders by the elementals, symbolizing their blessing and approval of the creation of this beautiful instrument.
Metals: The keys and intricate inlays are made from mythril ore that was refined and polished while being blessed under the moon -which is both lightweight and durable. The metal has been etched with delicate patterns of vines and leaves, representing the
harmony between nature and music. This metal was also offered freely by the elementals and deities of the area from which it had been mined.
Other Materials: The mouthpiece is adorned with a small, shimmering crystal, a gift from one of the sylphs, whom seemed to love following Ezra as a youth, apparently curious of his unique 'aura'. The sylph heard of the tribal elders planning to create a special instrument for one of the youth of the tribe. When they learned of it being for the one they had taken a liking too while wandering the forest, they were excited to offer it as there contribution to the special gift. This crystal enhances the flute’s magical properties, allowing it to produce sounds that resonate with the surrounding aether.
Design and Appearance:
The flute’s design is both functional and symbolic. The wood is carved with intricate runes and symbols that glow faintly when played, indicating the flow of aether through the instrument. The mythril keys are shaped like leaves, adding to the natural aesthetic. The crystal at the mouthpiece catches the light, creating a mesmerizing effect. It is said that when the elders gifted it to him they told him that the elementals and the divine had given there blessings over each of the pieces of a construction.
Behind His Tribal Name/True Name
Ezra’s true name, Azah’a Paz’vahal, held deep significance. Within his particular tribe, his name is unique and special, as both Elders and his parents chose the name -- “Azah’a” was a name given to him by the tribe, meaning “Star’s Child,” a nod to his silver hair and violet eyes that resembled the night sky. Other associated meanings included "Aetheric Guardian" or "Star Walker" depending on the elder you talked to as it had a multi-faceted and complex meaning. Some believe it may have been a name the tribe chose as a sacred way within there tribe to honor the Goddess Azeyma or the one known as Azem, the sacred Shepard of the Stars. “Paz’vahal” was a name that connected him to the goddess Menphina, revered among the Seeker of the Moon tribe. It was also believed to mean 'Sacred Guardian or Lover of Knowledge'. Menphina, the Lover, was associated with the moon and love, and the tribe believed that Ezra’s birth under her patronage was a sign of his destiny.
The elders had long suspected that Ezra was destined for greatness, believing him to be either a warrior or scholar of eld, reborn to once again walk the realm, and his name was a reflection of this belief. As he grew and his powers manifested (aetheric sensitivity and the Echo among them), it became clear that he was indeed someone extremely special and was destined to change the very star with his travels.